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World first synergy system of

MFU and RF

Amazing therapeutic effect through the two famous lifting treatment of MFU and RF
MFU + RF, the best synergy mechanisms for lifting are in one handpiece
World first synergy dotting system



High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic skin tightening therapy that some consider a noninvasive and painless alternative to face lifts. It employs ultrasonic energy to stimulate collagen formation, resulting in tighter skin.

HIFU Before and After

How does HIFU work?

HIFU employs safe, time-tested ultrasound energy to naturally lift and tighten the skin—without surgery or downtime. Ultrasound is not dangerous. There will be no surgery. It uses ultrasound technology to transform the brow, chin, neck, chest and other areas. The HIFU procedure stimulates collagen production by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin's foundational layer, which is typically addressed in cosmetic surgery—without cutting or disrupting the skin's surface, resulting in no downtime. 


Synergy effect

Synergy of MFU and RF

World first “MFU + RF”, SD (Synergy Dotting) handpiece - Maxi

- Maximize the clinical result, Minimize the treatment pain and swelling
- Double lifting effect with SD overlapping treatment after linear dotting procedure


Various cartridge up to 10 types

HIFU depth.png

Customized treatment depending on the skin type, treatment area
and depth of dermis to subcutaneous fat layer

- FL (Focused Ultrasound Linear) 6 types : Face 4 types, Body 2 types
- SD (Synergy Dotting) 4 types : Face 3 types, Body 1 type

Before and After

HIFU Before and After
  • Lower Face And Jaw Line Lift

  • Neck Tightening

  • Brow Lifting (Improves Hooded Eyelids)

  • Improvement Of Nasal Labial Folds

  • Double Chin And Turkey Neck

  • T Wrinkles

  • Under Eye Bags And Wrinkles

  • Tummy Tightening

  • Arm Tightening

  • Knee Lifting

  • Thigh Lifting

  • Permanent Reduction Of Fat Pockets

Treatment Area

Frequently Asked Questions

Is HIFU treatment painful?

The procedure is non-invasive, gentle, and completely safe. While everyone's tolerance varies, a topical anesthetic is usually unnecessary. If you are in pain, your healthcare provider may be able to provide you with a topical numbing cream to apply to sensitive areas.

How many sessions will I require?

The number of treatments required is determined by the appearance and feel of your skin tissue. Sagging and fat reduction requires more treatments to achieve the desired effect.

How soon can I see results

What should I avoid after the treatment?

It is normal for the affected area to feel warm immediately following the procedure. 

The treated area may appear flushed, red, and tingly. For the next 3-5 days, avoid waxing the treated area. For the next two weeks, avoid lasering the treated area. For the next 2-3 days, avoid exfoliating the skin.

For the next 24 hours, avoid strenuous exercise. 3-5 days after treatment, avoid using skin care products containing active ingredients (e.g., vitamin A, vitamin C, AHAs, and BHAs).

What can I expect after HIFU?

You will most likely feel some tightening at first, as collagen production takes several months after our HIFU treatment, with the initial tightening caused by the heat slightly shrinking the collagen that is already present.

Some patients notice an immediate effect, but the true results appear over the next 2-3 months as new collagen works to lift and tighten skin on the neck, chin, and brow, as well as smooth skin on the chest. While HIFU will not produce the same results as a facelift, it is a clinically proven non-invasive alternative for those who are not ready for surgery—and may even be an option for patients who want to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.


Book an appointment

1420 Holcomb Ave Suite 102, Reno, NV 89502


Mon - Sat:

10am -  7pm

Sun: Closed

Phone: 775-247-7700


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